[eventchamp_content_title size=”size1″ title=”dark” align=”center” separator=”true” titleone=”” titletwo=”The Constitution of OPAC” description=”” icon=””]

According to the article of incorporation of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc… “We, the undersigned and natural persons, at least 3 of who are citizens of the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, CANADA and who are of the age of 21 years or more, acting as incorporators of a corporation under CANADA NONPROFIT CORPORATION ACT, do hereby adopt the following ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION for such corporation”

The name of the organization shall be Olumo Progressive Association Canada Incorporation.

The Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. Shall be duly registered as a non-profit membership corporation in accordance with the appropriate laws and provision of Canada.

The Permanent and mailing address of “OLUMO PROGRESSIVE ASSOCIATION Canada Inc” shall be:

40 Garibaldi Drive.

Brampton ON L6X 4Z2


The motto of The Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc, shall be “UNITED WE STAND”.


The Anthem of the Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. shall be




Late Rev. I.O. Ransome-Kuti



  1. To promote family atmosphere and unity among Egba descendants and Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc.
  2. To promote cultural and social values of Egba tradition
  3. To improve and uphold the image of the Egba people and to protect our reputation in Egbaland, Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Communities, Canada, and Nigeria
  4. To promote economic well being of members as well as their families and to support neighborhood economic development of GTA, Canada, Egba Land and Nigeria
  5. To love each other regardless of economic or financial status.
  6. To organize from time to time social and cultural events in line with the rules and regulations of the Province of Ontario as well as the entire Canada.
  7. To help in the development and growth of Egba Homeland, Greater Toronto Area community, Canada and Nigeria in the areas of socioeconomy, education, health, EST.
  8. Involving in the provision of infrastructure and engaging in community capital projects in the Canada, Egba Land and Nigeria subject to the availability of funds and approval of majority membership of the Association for such project(s).
  9. To organize fund-raising activity as deem necessary from time to time.
  10. To promote and encourage our in all the areas of their endeavours.
  1. Members shall be twenty-one years (21years) of age and must be a descendant of Egbaland
  2. Any prospective members shall demonstrate commitment and dedication to the advancement of the Egba people and Egbaland
  3. Any prospective member shall have no criminal records and/or may not have been found guilty of felonious offence in or outside the Canada or any background that may tarnish the image or reputation of the Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc.
  4. Membership by adoption. Membership can be obtained through a process where a bona-fide member can sponsor a potential candidate for membership to be introduced/presented to the general house and the approval of such adopted member must be approved through a 2/3-majority vote of general house.
  5. All new members of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. are required by this constitution to pay a non-refundable fee of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars per household. The fee will covers Application form and club kits, the Association constitution, picture of Olumo rock and Egba history book based on availability.

A member who wishes to withdraw his/her membership shall send a written notice thirty days (30) in advance to the Secretary who will read it to the general house at the meeting.

Members can as well rejoin the association in the future with a written request and endorsement from two members in good standings, and subject to approval by the whole house.

  1. Any member who misses more than 4 consecutive meetings and does not show any interest to continue as a member of the Association, either in writing or personal contact is subject to dismissal
  2. Any member/members who engage(s) in activities or conduct that may tarnish the image or reputation of the Association or commit any felonious offence or any Activities that violate Federal, State, local laws, private or government authority. These activities may include but not limited to the following:
    1.  Insurance Fraud.
    2. Credit Card Fraud.
    3. Telephone Fraud.
    4. Bank Fraud
    5. Forgery.
    6. Buying, selling, using and possession of controlled substances
    7. Stealing, Robbery and armed robbery.
    8. Misrepresentation/impersonation of another individual.
    9. Rape.
    10. Murder
    11. Sales Fraud
    12. Money Laundering
    13. Unauthorized use of Association name, documents, or any information.
  3. STATEMENT OF EXCEPTION: Any member under probations or member whose accusation/indictment could not be substantiated through the public domain for any alleged offences as listed in section (2) above, the association is, however, not under any obligation to act on the punitive measure.
  1. Active Member, any member, who attends regular monthly meetings, pays dues and fines regularly and participates in activities of the Association whether voluntary or assigned.
  2. In-Active Member, Any member who is not able to attend regular monthly meetings and with proper notification and approval by the house but pays his dues regularly and keeps up with the affairs of the Association.
  3. A new member shall remain active for a period of at least 6 months before becoming eligible for inactive status.
  4. Senior member – Any member shall be deemed senior after / or at attaining the age of 65 and above
  5. Distance member – Any member residing beyond a 200km radius to Toronto, shall be recognized as a distance member by writing to the association with valid reasons and evidence (e.g letters, bills).
  6. Compassionate member – Any member who is under challenging conditions and can not meet up the criteria for active membership.
  7. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, a maximum of six(6) absences in one fiscal year shall be allowed. This means members shall attend AT LEAST four (4) regular monthly meetings
  8. If members exceed four (4) consecutive absences, such members shall pay a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00)
  9. If a member exceeds six (6) absences, within a twelve months(12) period, a fine of twenty (20.00) dollars is assessed on each additional absences thereafter.
  10. A member who is late for monthly meetings shall pay a fine of five dollars ($5.00)
  11. All fines do not exempt members from paying their dues.
  1. Any Member who is granted deferred probation by the community shall be on suspension for a period to be determined by a special committee not to exceed six months (6), depending on the gravity of the offence committed
  2. Any member, who discusses other members’ business, rumour or indulges in character assassination with the negative intention that results in pain, anguish and stress. Such member shall be liable (upon due investigation/findings by a special committee) to a fine of up to $100.00. In addition, the member shall be required to submit to the associate a letter of apology and promise to maintain good conduct in order to remain bonafide member of the association
  3. Constant refusal by a member to abide by the constitution and by-laws of the Association shall result in disciplinary action and or dismissal
  4. Any member that is found guilty of any or all of the offences listed above shall not qualify to contest for any elective office(s) in the Association.
  5. The executive committee shall exercise an oversight function to vote on issues that are of grave concern to the association without passing them to the general house

There shall be two main types of meeting of the general membership of the Association
a. Monthly General Meeting
b. Extra Ordinary Meeting

a. Monthly General meeting shall be held on the second Sunday of every month, meeting start at exactly 4.00 P.M. and ends at 6:00 P.M. (In the event that special event/festival falls on this weekend, the meeting shall be hosted on 3rd Sunday of the month). Motion to extend the meeting beyond 6:00 P.M. may be passed and approved by the house.
b. Extra Ordinary Meeting: The General Secretary in consultation with the President, shall summon an emergency meeting for any of the following:

1. Urgent matter(s) affecting the affairs of the Association and/or its members that require the attention of the general membership arise, such that has to be resolved before the next general meeting.
2. If for any reason no general meeting was held as scheduled, an Extraordinary meeting may be summoned.


  1. The President shall call the meeting to order.
  2. The Secretary shall read the minutes of the last meeting.
  3. The President shall preside over the meeting.
  4. There shall be no form of interruption or disturbance whatsoever during the meeting (e.g.) cellular phones, pagers, children, etc.
  5. A member shall raise his/her hand to be recognized to speak or address the house.
  6. A member who is unable to stay for the duration of the meeting shall notify the President before the start of the meeting.
  7. No member shall partake in the consumption of the alcoholic beverages before and during the meeting.
  8. All dues shall be collected at the meeting with directives of the presiding officer and all fines and levies shall be collected on/before the close of the day’s meeting.
  9. The President will levy all fines. In the absence of the President, the Vice President or a designated presiding officer will have the authority to do so.
  1. Every member shall have the right to report issues of personal concerns.
  2. Every member shall have the right to partake in any discussion of the Association.
  3. All members shall enjoy equal rights without discrimination of any type based on age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, responsibilities, and opportunities available in the association.
  4. The policy of equity, diversity and inclusion shall always be applied at all times within the association.
  5. Every member shall have the right to be recognized and properly addressed at a meeting in accordance with the by-laws of the Association. The use of prefixes like Mr., Mrs., Ms, Dr., Engr., est., are the acceptable prefixes to address members at meetings.
  6. Every member shall have the right to report any grievance through the OPAC’s conflict resolution approach according to the following orders: (a) discuss with the party involved (b) report via an email to the president and copy the executives (c) If unable to resolve, refer the issue to the general house.
  1. Revenue for the Association shall be raised from, but not limited to the following sources.
    1. Membership registration fee.
    2. Membership monthly dues
    3. Special assessments, levies and fines.
    4. Donations.
    5. Interest from the bank accounts, and dividends from investments and fundraising activities.
    6. Other sources that may be approved by a majority of theAssociation.
    Bank Account(s), checking or savings shall be opened with a well
    establishing banking institutions insured by the FDIC.

    1. The following shall be the signatories to the Association’s Bank


      At least two (2) officials listed above must sign any check, regardless of amount.
      Under no circumstances shall a check be issued without adequate number of signatories and supporting documentation (i.e. receipts).

    2. All funds (donations, fees, dues, and fines est.) collected must be deposited into the Association Bank Account not later than five (5) business days following the collection of such funds.
    3. Opening/closing of Bank Account shall be with full authorization of the majority of Association membership.
  1. The President with the approval of the majority of the members of the house shall authorize expenditures, such majority approval for all expenditure shall be documented and auditable and readily available on demand by members of the Association or an independent auditor and shall be audited annually
  2. There shall be a monthly Association financial status report to be presented by the Treasurer.
  3. The treasurer shall report the status of the Association’s financial statement to members quarterly and as requested.
  4. The financial year shall be January 1 to December 31 of each fiscal year.
  5. The President shall present a proposed budget for the fiscal year to the general membership of the house. The proposed budget is subject to review and approval by a simple majority of the membership of the house.
  6. The Treasurer shall support expenses incurred on behalf of the Association with an official receipt(s) to ensure full reimbursement.
  7. Impress account with not more than $100.00 cash balance shall be kept in the club Treasury at all time.

Financial assistance shall be extended to members as needed. Financial assistance shall be subject to but not limited to the following guidelines:

  1. A committee shall be formed to handle financial assistance to members as appropriate and the decision of the committee is subject to ratification by general house.
  2. Any member requesting a financial assistance shall sign an agreement with the Association.
  3. Any member requesting a financial assistance must be in good financial standing. Such member may not owe any due to the Association.
  4. A full one-year of membership is required before any member is qualified for financial assistance.
  5. Non-payment of financial assistance shall be dealt with on an individual basis through the appointed financial committee.
  6. The Association shall deal with default and attempt to collect by any means necessary.
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. General Secretary
  4. Assistant General Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Finance Secretary
  7. Public Relation Officer (P.R.O)
  8. Assistant Public Relation Officer (Ag. P.R.O)
  9. Social Secretary
  10. Chief Whip
  11. Welfare Officer


The President shall preside over all meetings of the Association and shall be responsible for the proper conduct of business at such meetings. Shall ensure that members behave in a constitutional manner and do everything that will tend to the welfare and progress of the Association. Shall assign officers and or members to undertake special or regular tasks on behalf of the Association. Shall perform other special duties and/or tasks, which he/she may be assigned. The President shall be an automatic member of all the constituted committees and Shall coordinate all activities concerning the Association and be able to forge unity among all members of the Association.

Shall have the power to report any officer(s) who is not performing his/her duties up to expectation to the general house; such officer in question must have been given verbal or written warning preceding such action by the President.


He/She shall assist the President generally and deputize for him/her during his absence and in all ramifications. The Vice President shall be an automatic Chairman of the Project committees
Shall serve as a liaison officer between our Association and other associations/other chapters and or national body of Egba Association in Canada/United States and other parts of the world in the areas of inward and outward information. Shall perform other duties as directed by the President with the approval of the general house.


He/She shall summon all meetings of Association; shall keep a record of minutes of the meetings; shall keep all records and documents of the Association. Shall assist the President at all times. Shall give proper and timely notices of all Executive and general meeting to all members; shall consult the President on any new matter that may be included in the meeting agenda before sending a notice to all members. In the absence of the President/Vice President he/she shall be the next officer in line to take care of the day-to-day activities of the association; shall be responsible for all correspondence, internal/external memorandum that belongs to or affects the association.


He/She shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the General Secretary during his absence and shall assist the Secretary at all times.


He/she is the Accountant of the Association. He shall record and deposit funds into the bank account on behalf of the Association. He shall maintain all financial records of the Association, shall present the monthly statements of account of association and render quarterly Association financial statements to the general house. He shall be responsible for the collection of all money, dues and fines due to the Association, through the Financial Secretary. Shall be responsible for depositing all funds collected to the Association Bank Account not later than 5 (five) business days of such collection The Treasurer shall issue a check(s) for expenses subject to approval with the appropriate number of signatures.


The Financial Secretary shall collect and report all funds collected at every meeting from the entire members at the end of every meeting. Shall work closely with and assist the Treasurer with all financial transactions. The Financial Secretary shall hand over all funds collected to the Treasurer to be deposited into the Association’s bank account not later than 5 (five) business days as specified in the functions of the Treasurer.


He/She is the Press/Media Officer of the Association; shall handle all printings, advertising, launching, annual, anniversary publication, invitation/greeting cards and etc. Adequate arrangements shall be made to furnish funds as approved by the house to meet such expenses. Shall also serve as the Public Relations Officer and in events of a TV/Press interview; he shall seek the approval from the Association to attend such interview.


He/She shall assist the Public Relation Officer and assume his/her duties and responsibilities at all times and when necessary. In event of absence, resignation or removal of Public Relation Officer the Assistant Public Relation Officer assumes is sworn in to take over the position.


He/she shall be in charge and be responsible for all social activities. Shall coordinate Association activities, organize events and keep accounts of spending pertinent to these events; shall arrange for pictures, videos and music as necessary for these events; shall arrange for presents as needed. Shall represent the association in the Egba National social event committee.


His/Her major duty is to maintain law and order at meetings and conference(s)/conventions held by the association or any of the Association’s business or social gatherings. He/She shall collect fines and levies with the directives of the President or any presiding officer and hand over funds collected to the Association Treasurer. Shall be responsible for keeping a record of all fines/levies and be responsible for reporting it at the end of every quarter or as demanded by the President.


He/She shall be saddled with the responsibilities to check on members. He/ she shall call from time to time and ensure the well-being of members especially those that are visibly not attending meetings regularly. Shall also organize or provides practical support for following childbirth and bereavement from members. Shall report to the house of any member’s situation that requires urgency and general support.


Any officer so appointed to represent the association at the national level shall do so in accordance with the laid down rules and regulations of our constitution. Such member(s) must at all times escalate issues first within the local chapter before getting to the national level.

The officer shall follow the due process to address personal issues as stated in Article 11, section 1 – “Every member shall have the right to report issues of personal concerns.” Within the local chapter before escalating to the national body (ENA).

  1. The electoral committee as constituted by the Association shall conduct the election of officers.
  2. All officers shall be elected for a term of two years
  3. Officers are eligible to serve for two terms of two years.
  4. Election shall be open to all eligible members.
  5. No officers shall serve or exceed more than two terms in the same office consecutively.
  6. Every officer of the Association shall be elected by a majority of the members present at a general meeting/election day.
  7. The absentee vote is also acceptable in a sealed envelope sent to the electoral committee and will be opened at the meeting on Election Day. The absentee ballot must have been received by the electoral committee prior to being received by the election
  8. The 2nd Sunday of the month of October shall be set aside for a general election of new officers. The election shall take place at a general meeting. The newly elected officers shall be sworn into office(s) on the 2nd Sunday of November. The transitional period shall be the months of November to December during which the outgoing officers shall hand over office to the newly elected officers under the authority and directives of the electoral Chairman.
  9. The outgoing Treasurer shall render the financial statement of the Association to the house after the independent auditors have examined and certified the books at the December meeting preceding the handing over of office to the next regime.

Any elected officer(s) of the association found guilty of any but not limited to the
following offences.

  1. Embezzlement and misappropriation of funds.
  2. Gross, reckless, negligence use and abuse of power.
  3. Non-performance or neglect of official duties.
  4. The use of position or office for personal gain or in an unauthorized manner.
  5. Any other acts, actions and activities considered being prejudicial or detrimental to the best interest and reputation of the Association.
  1. If for any reason an officer is relieved of his/her position, the person serving as Vice, Assistant or Deputy shall take over that office until election is held. In the absence of Vice, Assistant, or Deputy, the President shall have the power in conjunction with the approval of majority of members of the Association to appoint an interim replacement.
  2. If for any reason the whole Executives shall resign or be relieved of their post and responsibilities; committee shall be formed by the general House to run the affairs of the Association and such committee shall arrange for an early election(s). The elected officers shall complete the remaining term of the relieved Executives. The committee shall comprise of seven (7) members.

Any member aspiring for elective office in the Association must meet the
following conditions:

  1. Any member that is a qualified member of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. is qualified to run for an election office as long as such member had registered with the Association at least one year (1Yr.).
  2. Candidates running for office must be in good financial standing with the Association and must have paid fees and dues to date prior to the election date and must not be in arrears.
  3. Must not have undergone any disciplinary action or procedure within four year (4 Yrs).
  4. Any member removed from office for any reason whatsoever shall not be eligible to run for any office for a period of fours years (4Yrs).
  5. Anyone found guilty of any felonious offence(s) by the government of/in the Canada or any other government or authority around the world shall not be qualified to contest for any elective office in the Association
  6. An adopted member of the association may not be qualified to contest for the office President or Vice President in the Association.
  7. Any member found guilty of any miscellaneous offences by any authority, such offences may include and not limited to sedition, physical/verbal assaults, shop lifting est. shall not be eligible to contest for any elective office for the period of two (2) years from the time he/she committed such offence(s)
  1. The members of the Association’s Electoral Committee shall be appointed at the General Meeting of the Association prior to the Election Day.
  2. The Electoral Committee shall be appointed at the July meeting to coordinate the electoral process.
  3. The President shall nominate the electoral committee with the approval of the general member’s vote.
  4. The electoral committee shall comprise three (3) members.
  5. They shall verify candidates’ qualifications, organize and conduct elections according to the electoral process.
  6. After the votes have been cast and counted, the Chairman/Person of the Electoral Committee shall announce the results.
  7. Electoral committee Chairman/Person shall be responsible for conducting the sworn-in of the newly elected officers and hand-over exercise from the outgoing officers

The President of the Association shall constitute committee(s) as he/she deemed necessary

  1. FINANCIAL COMMITTEE: Shall advise the general house on financial matters.
  2. INDEPENDENT AUDITOR: Shall be responsible for performing the financial audit of the Association not less than twice a year.
  3. SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Shall advise the Association on matters related to a social events and carry out the Association’s resolutions on all social matters.
  4. PROJECT COMMITTEE: Shall coordinate and manage the adoption and execution of OPAC’s project within scope, budget and time.
  5. AD-HOC: Shall include the electoral committee, annual award committee, disciplinary committee and any other committee not listed in the Article may be set up by the President with the approval of the General house and any organ of the Association for a specific time and purpose.
  1. The President with the approval of the majority of members of the Association shall have authority to dissolve any standing committee on or before the completion of its assignment
  2. The tenure of Office of an Ad-Hoc committee shall lapse on completion of its terms of reference.
  3. Any member for non-performance, subject to an extra ordinary resolution, may recommend any committee for dissolution.
  4. A Committee member shall be recommended for replacement by the Chairman of the committee and wills power of the entire house if its conduct in the opinion of the members is detrimental to the progress of the committee.
  5. The term of reference of any standing committee automatically ends at the end of the term of office of the President that set-up the committee: all standing committee dissolved
  1. New members shall have one year of waiting period before qualifying for any benefits.
  2. In the events of a member’s immediate family death, a sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall be given to the member as financial assistance by the Association. Immediate family includes member’s spouse and members parents.
  3. A member blessed with a newborn baby shall receive a saving bond/mutual fund worth two hundred dollars ($200.00) per child from the Association: such fund/bond would be purchased in the name of the child.
  4. In the events of a natural disaster or catastrophe, the member affected shall receive a financial assistance of two hundred dollars ($200.00) from the Association. This will be handled on an individual basis and approved by the house.
  5. The Association shall grant Scholarship of one Hundred dollars ($100.00) to any child of a member who have graduated from high school and have obtained an admission to a 2-yr or 4-yr college. The criteria for the scholarship are but not limited to the following:
    1. Any child by birth or marriage of a member.
    2. A child that graduates from High School.
    3. The child who had been admitted to college or college bond.
    4. The money will be paid directly to the student tuitions.
  1. All assets (both fixed, current and variable/floating) acquired by the Association solely belong to the Association
  2. No individual member has right to the ownership of the association assets/properties/cash.
  3. In case one person or group of persons decides to leave the Association (Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc.) to form a subsidiary or a separate Association/Organization; such person or group of persons has no right to share or request to share the Association Asset/equity and/or can not call for sharing of Association equity.
  4. In event of a unanimous dissolution of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc., the Association assets/equity will be used to take care of the needy in our community here in the Canada and/or will be used to execute special project(s) in Egba Land.
  • The President with the approval of the house may appoint ex-officio who can be consulted by the President from timeto-time on matter as deemed necessary.
  • The individual may be member of the Association
  • Such individual must be an Egba descendant.
  1. Must be elderly and responsible individual(s) in the community
  2. Must be of good standing in the Canada and Nigeria
  3. Must not have been convicted of any felonious offence(s) either in the Canada or Nigeria
  4. Must be an Egba descendant.

Any individual member(s) or Executive(s) shall not alter or repeal any part of this constitution adopted by general house of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. Addition /Subtraction of Article(s), Heading, clause(s) shall be amended in harmony by a 2/3 majority of the association present at meeting, where the amendment is presented.

Drafting Committee’s Members
Mr. Omoniyi Mutiu (Committee Chairman)
Mrs. Shola Ayoola
Mrs. Aina Adeyemo
Mrs. Omotunde Balogun
Mr. Adekunle George

Review date:   May 23rd, 2021           

Next Review Date:  May 22nd, 2022

                                                 Approval:  The President, The Executives and The General House                                                            

Version: 1.1


2021 Constitution Review Committee Members 

Dr. Teju Oyewole

Mr. Lekan Lasisi

Mrs. Ayodele Faderin

Dr. Lekan Onilude

Otunba Dare AdeOlubodun