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[eventchamp_content_title size=”size1″ title=”dark” align=”center” separator=”true” titleone=”” titletwo=”Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. (Opac)” description=”” icon=””]

Olumo Progressive Association Canada (OPAC) Inc, is a group of Egba and Yewa indigenes who are residing in Canada. The association was formed in 2005 by the Egba people of like minds with Mr. Bola Ajimotokan as the Pioneer President of the association.

The OPAC’s objectives are to promote a family atmosphere and unity among Egba and Yewa descendants, to actively encourage our cultural and social values; improve and uphold the image of the Egba people and to protect our reputation in Egba and Yewa land, Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Canada, and Nigeria;

In additional, we seek to improve the economic well-being of members as well as their families and to support neighborhood economic development of GTA, Canada, Egba Land, and Nigeria. The association believes in togetherness and peaceful co-existence among the members, regardless of the individual economic and financial status.

Egba people are recognized as socialists, and this intrinsically drives our urge to organize periodically, social and cultural events in line with the rules and regulations of the Province of Ontario as well as entire Canada;

To help in the development and growth of Egba Homeland, Greater Toronto Area community, Canada and Nigeria in the areas of socio-economy, education, health. It is of paramount duties that we regularly involved in the provisioning of infrastructure and engaging in community capital projects in Canada, Egba Land and Nigeria subject to the availability of funds and approval of majority membership of the Association for such projects. In ensure the delivery of any adopted projects, we do organize fund-raising activity as deemed necessary from time to time, and we also encourage and support our members to excel in all the areas of their endeavours and ultimately produce a world class brand name for Egba tribes.

[eventchamp_content_title size=”size1″ title=”dark” align=”center” separator=”true” titleone=”” titletwo=”Membership Requirements And Qualifications” description=”” icon=””]

Olumo Progressive Association Canada prides herself over the caliber of people and the due diligence observed during the onboarding process of any new member. The membership is, however, open to every Egba indigenes, Albeit, with the following pre-requisite, and qualifications:

  • Members shall be twenty-one years (21 years) of age and must be a descendant of Egba or Yewa land.
  • Prospective members shall demonstrate commitment and dedication to the advancement of the Egba people and Egba land.
  • The prospective member shall have no criminal records and may not have been found guilty of the felonious offence in or outside Canada or any background that may tarnish the image or reputation of the Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc.;
  • Membership by adoption. Membership can be obtained through a process where a bona-fide member can sponsor a potential candidate for membership to be introduced/ presented to the general house and the approval of such adopted member must be approved through a 2/3 majority vote of the general house;
  • All new members of Olumo Progressive Association Canada Inc. are required by our constitution to pay a non-refundable fee of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars per household. The fee will cover Application form and Association kits, including the Association constitution, Picture of Olumo rock and Egba history book based on availability.
[eventchamp_content_title size=”size1″ title=”dark” align=”center” separator=”true” titleone=”” titletwo=”Our Pride, Our Identity” description=”” icon=””]

Without ego, Egba people possess some attributes that make them stand out and remain outstanding anywhere they find themselves. To mention but a few;

  • Egba people possess Pride, Honour, Dignity, Integrity, and Respect.
  • Egbas are fashionable, and their fashion creativities are unparalleled, considering their discovery own clothing style and brand of Adire and Kampala.
  • Egbas are unique and are recognized for their uniqueness, given the reason for the discovery of Amala Lafun and Ewedu.
  • Egbas are in the forefront of Western education in Nigeria, given the notable early scholar produced in Egba in such as best medical doctors, lawyers, accountants, economists, industrialists, engineers, and so many qualitative professions.
  • Egbas are synonymous to civilization, given a verifiable fact of producing the first person to buy and drive cars in Nigeria.
  • Patriotism is of utmost important among the Egbas, and this led to the pride of being the only tribe with its anthem in Nigeria before others follow the suite.
  • Egbas are freedom fighters and condemn oppressions of any forms, given the fact that liberated Nigerians from bondage.
  • Egbas are born leaders with proven and excellent leadership traits, given the reason for producing all the Yoruba Presidents Nigeria ever produced including the annulled.
  • Egbas are valiants warriors who also love peacefull co-existence.
  • Egbas are hardworking people who enjoy funfair.
  • Egbas are expert and the best in the agricultural system and advocate of unity in our Nation.

In our subconscious minds, and wherever we find ourselves, being Egba indigenes, is a great honour from Olodumare, the God that personally moulded Olumo for us.
God bless Abeokuta, the land filled with milk and honey.
The success of our programs and our connections with YCA and NIDO under the able leadership of Chief ‘Femi Shodunke came with ease because of the support of his wonderful, matured, experience and loyal members and the capable executive members.